This summer we've been blessed with Shifty Accessories; each Wed-Sunday Gwyn (blonde) and Hayley (non-blonde) set up in front of the store! They've got inexpensive handmade and vintage earrings (lots of 80s stylings) at 2 for $10, great necklaces and wooden pendants painted/decorated by Kensington-based artists. But they're only here until school starts : (
Check out the amazing ad Camille and Mathieu put together for the OCAD student handbook (yeah, those are the shifty girls again)! College/university students now get %10 off with a student card!
In other news, I quit the B.I.A effort and joined KMAC (Kensington Market Action Group). It's been the rep. group for market residences and businesses since the early 90s. It was stagnant with a crap rep., but now there's a new wave of fresh energetic blood running through. We're working on doing over the corner at Augusta and College, working on maps/directories for the other entrances, figuring where we're going to place and incoming batch of garbage/recycling bins. Hopefully at the meeting tonight we'll decide to join the Councillour's neighborhood mapping project (this will help the area deal with proposed development).